Healthwatch Redbridge celebrates successful tender outcome

Healthwatch Redbridge is celebrating its continued success in securing a new long-term contract for up to five years.

We are pleased to announce that, following a competitive tender, the London Borough of Redbridge has awarded Healthwatch Redbridge the contract to provide a local Healthwatch service for three years, with an option to extend for a further two years.  

The contract will enable the organisation to continue its work as the voice of the local community ensuring that people’s views and experiences of health and social care services in Redbridge are heard.

Lorraine Silver, Healthwatch Redbridge Chair, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to have been successful in securing this contract having spent the last ten years providing the best service we can...

…We are looking forward to building on what we have already achieved so far; working with local people on the health and care issues which matter most to them."

Cathy Turland, Healthwatch Redbridge Chief Executive Officer, added:

“This is a great opportunity to develop our links with seldom heard groups through our engagement work…

… We will continue to provide opportunities for local communities to develop services that work for them, and to hear from the people who use those services to ensure they are fit for purpose.”

Healthwatch Redbridge is a member of a national network of 148 independent local organisations set up by the Government across England.

Further information can be obtained from Healthwatch Redbridge at or on 020 8553 1236.