Refugee and Migrant Forum of East London (RAMFEL)

RAMFEL works with a range of vulnerable migrants that have different entitlements to healthcare along with varying needs. The rules are complicated to understand and can be very confusing.

Key findings

  • RAMFEL felt Redbridge should encourage all services that it manages to recognise VMs with health care needs as human beings first and foremost and not take part in the bullying, intimidation or humiliation of currently in operation
  • Redbridge should look at where denying treatment is creating additional costs as well as human suffering. The CCG should undertake this research.
  • Redbridge needs to provide an advice service through which vulnerable migrants can know, understand and access their rights.
  • Training needs to be provided to gate keepers in relevant services as to the rights and entitlements to medical or social care of different groups of VMs.
  • GP surgeries and other NHS services need to be made aware of the obligation to provide interpreting services to clients who need it. More easily accessible interpreted information on-line or in the facilities would be beneficial.


RAMFEL: Access to healthcare for vulnerable migrants


HW Redbridge's response to RAMFEL's Access to healthcare for vulnerable migrants report


NHS Long term plan

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