Turning the Big C into a ‘small c’
Residents and workers in north and east London are being urged to visit the re-launched website www.smallc.org.uk– to learn more about the signs and symptoms of the most common cancers and help turn the Big C into a ‘small c’.
The new look ‘small c’ website has been launched by UCLH Cancer Collaborative – a network of NHS trusts, GPs and health service commissioners across north and east London. The site contains information on:
- Signs, symptoms, national cancer screening programmes and frequently asked questions about the top five most common cancers – bowel, breast, cervical, lung and prostate
- How to get involved in local cancer campaigns in north and east London, from cancer awareness training to tours of inflatable body parts
- A map of services in north and east London to help people stay healthy, from stopping smoking to support for people living with cancer.
Prof Kathy Pritchard-Jones, chief medical officer for UCLH Cancer Collaborative, said:
“The ‘small c’ starts with some good news about cancer – the fact that most people survive the disease when it is detected and treated at an early stage. For these people stopping cancer when it was still small, and before it had time to spread, turned the Big C into a ‘small c’ – a serious but not fatal disease. Our aim is to make this the experience of a growing number of people diagnosed with cancer.
“The new look ‘small c’ website is for those living and working in north and east London to find out more about the signs and symptoms of the most common cancers, to know when and how to seek help if they are worried about symptoms and how to get involved in local events and cancer campaigns to help people stay healthy and aware.”