Developing the Healthwatch Redbridge Community Network

We want to build greater links within our local area to ensure that we hear from all communities. Gathering this information will enable us to have a greater understanding of what is and is not working for different people. This can support the development of future project work or be shared with relevant stakeholders which can help improve local services.

Why a Community Network?

We would like the Healthwatch Redbridge Community Network to be a two way process. By sharing your members experiences of health and care services with us, you will be supporting our work, but we hope that in turn we will be able to support your members by signposting them (if appropriate) to relevant services. We hope that organisations sharing information can help support one another.

How to join...

HWR Community Network Information Pack
HWR Community Network Application Form

***Members of the Healthwatch Redbridge Community Network can now apply for the HWR Community Cash Fund***

We have grants of £500 - £2000 for individuals, groups and organisations. We’re looking for new ideas that explore people’s experiences of local health and care services and improve wellbeing in their community. This year we are focusing on health inequalities.

Healthwatch Redbridge Network members and events

Refugee and Migrant Forum for Essex and London (RAMFEL)
Immigration Advice, Destitution Support, Housing and Integration Advice, Foodbank, English Classes.

Redbridge Talking Therapies
NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapy Service (IAPT) – Mental Health service for people experiencing common mental issues aged 18+ and registered with a GP in Redbridge.

NELFT - Expert Patients Programme (NHS Trust)
Runs self-management courses for people with long term conditions and unpaid carers that support people with long term condition.

NELFT - Patient Experience Team
Enabling service users to be involved in implementing change within NELFT

Whipps Cross Hospital – Community Forum
The Community Forum is a collection of local residents, Community Voluntary and Statutory organisations with a track record in engagement.

Mind in North East London’s Safe Connections Suicide Prevention
A collaboration of three branches of Mind covering seven boroughs in North East London, and the City.

Stronger Together Project
Stronger Together is a community project supporting people with mental illnesses or dementia and their carers through activities and in-person sessions.

One Place East
We are a user led organisation, representing Deaf people, those with disabilities, chronic illness, lived experience of mental health problems.

Redbridge Sensory Specialists Ltd
Funded by LBR Local Authority to provide statutory sensory services for adults living in the borough. E.g. Deaf/deaf, hard of hearing, d/Deaf Blind, Visual impairment.

Ilford and District Diabetes UK Group
Diabetes Health and management

Healthbridge Direct / Cranbrook PCN Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing – Brief interventions based on signposting and supporting by linking to community organisations and services

Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
NHS Trust

Positive East
HIV & sexual health

Telephone befriending service, telephone befriending service (LGBT+ specific), social groups, activity groups, online Christmas directory.

Saint Francis Hospice
Hospice Support and care for people with life limiting illnesses

Ilford High Road Baptist Church
Support for Mental Health, socially isolated, refugees & asylum seekers 

Redbridge Faith Forum
Charity to promote community cohesion in Redbridge

Blossom CIC
Community Centre

Community Links
Community Links, a London-based community development charity, proudly part of the Catch22 Group, that works on tackling health and social inequality in East London and beyond

Community Action Redbridge (formerly Redbridge CVS)
Supports voluntary organisations in Redbridge

The Association of Redbridge African Caribbean Communities (TARACC)
African Caribbean community group with specific focus on Health and Wellbeing, Black History and Business/Enterprise Development for individuals from 16 years.

Black Woman's Kindness Initiative
Wellbeing - Mental and emotional health. Workshops\information social events\discussion groups

Jewish Care
Social Care- Older people, people living with dementia, carers, end of life care, adults with physical disabilities, Holocaust Survivors

Redbridge Community Hubs Team (Redbridge Council)
Community engagement – projects and broad engagement with the wider community

Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
A broad range of services on offer for older people

Ilford Shopmobility (service provided by Disability Redbridge - a local charity)
Supporting people with mobility problems to independently access the facilities of Ilford Town centre. (mainly elderly people but all ages, and carers benefit)

Scope's Youth Community Collective

A community social action group for 18-25 year olds (disabled and non disabled).

Walk It Out

A group to improve the Health and Wellbeing of females.

Wanstead and Woodford Migrant Support 

Providing specialist immigration advice and some other support to migrants.

Muslim Women’s Advisory Council 

Informing Muslim women of their rights

The Redbridge Respite Care Association

Providing respite support to unpaid carers caring for a loved one with Dementia and Mental Health.

Redbridge Quits Smoking (delivered by VIA)

Offers free and confidential treatment and support to stop smoking and other forms of tobacco

Fusion (delivered by VIA)

A Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service, supporting young people aged 13-18 years old.

Bewize (delivered by VIA)

A sexual Health Service providing support for young people and vulnerable adults. 

Mind Axis CIC

A social enterprise that aims to improve mental wellness in communities.

Redbridge Rainbow Community

Redbridge Rainbow Community works with LGBTQ+ people who live, work, socialise or study in the London Borough of Redbridge. 

Citizens Advice Redbridge

Citizens Advice Redbridge provide information, advice, signposting and referral services to clients.

Mental Health Support (signposting service run by Redbridge Council)

Good mental wellbeing is critical for our health, relationships, sense of purpose and our ability to cope with our daily life. Just like we may need help with our physical health, many of us will need mental health support at some point in our lives.

@DodgyTickers - Exercise & Wellbeing

Exercise and Wellbeing Programme provides cardiac rehab & prevention exercise activities and additionally social activities and wellbeing support including positive mental health.

Creating Conversations CIC

Creating spaces for open conversations about death, dying and grief.

Redbridge Carers Support Service (RCSS)

Redbridge Carers Support Service (RCSS) provides support to unpaid carers – carers can be mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends, relatives, spouses, partners or neighbours. 

Hebron Project

The Hebron Project provides support to asylum seekers, refugees, and those in low income or who are destitute by offering practical and generalist advice, advocacy, and information. 

360 Lifestyle Support Network CIC

360 Lifestyle Support Network CIC is a health and wellbeing organisation specialising in bridging the gap between the GP and the community for the Black Caribbean/African community.

Humanity Connect

Humanity Connect bridges the barriers to successful integration of asylum seekers and refugees. In partnership with Care4calais and Hebron Project.  

Redbridge & Epping Forest Parkinson's local group

Our group offers friendship and support locally to people with Parkinson’s, their families and carers, contact us to find out more. We offer information and support to people affected by Parkinson's. 

The Good Friends Cafe

The Good Friends Cafe is a monthly FREE coffee morning run by GoodOaks Homecare where we offer tea, coffee, chat, quizzes and other activities for elderly people within the community.

Ladies Wellbeing Group

Based in Ilford Islamic Centre, Ladies Wellbeing Group is a support group open to women from all communities. The group provides free exercise classes and information and advice to support and inform women. 


A youth club for girls aged 11 to 18 with the aim of providing fun and interactive ways for them to learn about Islam in a safe and friendly environment, whilst making friends, acquiring new skills, gaining confidence and self-esteem.


A Map of the Healthwatch Redbridge Community Network members

Please click on the pins for contact details and to view a Community Network member's website.

Some organisations do not have an office, therefore do not feature on the map.

Some organisations are pinned who are not permanently based at their pinned venue. DO NOT turn up at the venue expecting to see them there,  please check with the organisation first.