A team meeting with a lady doing a presentation with Post it Notes on a white board

North East London Foundation Trust Patient Experience Team

Enabling service users to be involved in implementing change within NELFT (a health organisation).

  • Enabling service users to be members of an interview panel for all posts across the trust. This includes taking part in asking questions and decision-making; with interview skills training provided
  • Supporting local service users to be involved in finalising, viewing, editing documents that would be available to the public such as leaflets, policies, code of conduct, strategies etc.
  • Supporting service user involvement in Task & Finish Groups / Meetings. These include Equality & Diversity Group, Emotional & Wellbeing Mental Health Service groups, Mental Health Transformation Group.

Patient and Carer Engagement Forums

NELFT will be launching the integrated patient and carer engagement forums in the new year.  If you are an NELFT involvement representative, or interested in becoming one, please contact the team on 03005551201 or email: involvement@nelft.nhs.uk

Register your interest in becoming a NELFT involvement representative


Phone: 03005551201 Ext:64382

Email: involvement@nelft.nhs.uk

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