Chris Wilson MBE, JP, MM: A message from the Chief Executive
I first met Chris in 2008 when I began supporting the development of the new Local Involvement Network (Redbridge LINk); the forerunner of Healthwatch Redbridge. Chris was already a well-known local figure, championing the health and wellbeing of many older people through his role as Chair of the Redbridge Pensioners Forum.
Chris joined our Development Group as a campaigning member and quickly ensured I was aware of the local needs of older people and making sure we were working with the many organisations and individuals that would become long-standing supporters of patient, user and carer rights in the borough.
He joined our first Management Committee and for the next three years, supported us to develop into the organisation that tackled issues of health and social care with empathy and enthusiasm. He was knowledgeable, not only about the area but also about the current issues affecting people and would always focus on positive approaches to dealing with the challenges we faced. He was never worried about asking the difficult, but insightful questions of our health and social care colleagues and to tackle difficult conversations that led to better outcomes for local people.
In 2011, Chris supported Redbridge LINk to become a Healthwatch pilot area; one of only 15 in the country, which successfully led to us developing into Healthwatch Redbridge.
It was at the end of 2012 that Chris decided to step down from the newly created Healthwatch Board but he remained interested in our activities, attending a number of events until moving into a care home a few years ago. We visited the home where Chris lived as part of our ‘Dignity & Respect’ project late last year and he was as committed as ever to engaging and actively seeking to ensure everyone had the opportunity to be involved and to have their say.
I was happy to call him a friend, and he will be sorely missed in our community.
Cathy Turland
Chief Executive
Healthwatch Redbridge