Are you a carer, and having problems with your local health services?

If you are a carer and are finding it difficult to contact your Redbridge GP please join us and One Place East online (via Zoom) to share your experience, and have your say.
An elderly female carer sat next to her husband, a wheelchair  user, with a laptop on his lap
  • Having difficulty contacting your gp?

  • Unable to get a medical appointment?

  • Having difficulties ordering tablets, or other issues?

Join us online via Zoom...

Wednesday 16th February 2022 
6.30pm to 8.30pm via Zoom

To book to attend: 
Contact Carol... 

Phone: 020 8925 2435 / 07814 205 741 or Email:


All comments shared will be treated as confidential and any persons will not be identified

One Place East in partnership with Healthwatch Redbridge