Part of the local Healthwatch Redbridge programme is to carry out Enter & View visits. Enter & View visits are conducted by a small team of trained volunteers/staff, who are prepared as ‘Authorised Representatives’ to conduct visits to health and social care premises.

Enter & View is the opportunity for Healthwatch Redbridge to:

  • Enter publicly funded health and social care premises to see and hear first hand experiences about the service.
  • Observe how the service is delivered, often by using a themed approach.
  • Collect the views of service users (patients and residents) at the point of service delivery.
  • Collect the views of carers and relatives through evidence based feedback by observing the nature and quality of services.
  • Report to providers, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Local Authorities, Commissioners, Healthwatch England and other relevant partners.

Enter & View visits are carried out as ‘announced visits’ where arrangements are made with the service provider, or, if certain circumstances dictate, as ‘unannounced’ visits.

Enter & View visits can happen if people tell us there is a problem with a service but, equally, they can occur when services have a good reputation – so we can learn about and share examples of what a service does well.

Our Enter and View representatives are:

  • Athena Daniels
  • Margaret Igglesden  
  • Isabel Harvey 
  • Chandrakant Patel 
  • Neil Adie 
  • Suhasini Winter
  • Anne Bertrand
  • Sally Curtis
  • Hyacinth Osborne
  • Kiranbir Kaur 
  • Roxana Solis
  • Miranda Peers
  • Cathy Turland
  • Dawn Hobson
  • Donna Young