Enter and view - Care home - St Joseph Rest Home
A shortlist of homes was produced to support engagement with a number of homes from various areas within the borough. Homes were chosen to be representative (for older people, people with learning disabilities, people using mental health services).
- A variety of training sessions should be offered to staff such as deaf awareness training, visual impairment awareness training and training for working with people with learning disabilities.
- The home should consider changing the fire alarms so that there is a flashing light when the alarm sounds. Although there are no deaf service users at present it would be beneficial if a user with a family member who is deaf came to visit, and it could aid them in the future should new residents have a hearing impairment.
- The home should also ensure that staff are made fully aware of the materials and information that is available within the home as there seems to be confusion regarding this.
- Service users should be made aware of the different formats in which information can be provided for them.
- Consideration should be given to make identification of staff easier for residents and visitors.
- The home should review its policies with regards to the Accessible Information Standards to ensure support for people with access requirements is available...
St Joseph rest home