Care Homes Direct Enhanced Service (DES) Survey – Phase 2
Following phase one of the Care Homes Direct Enhanced Service (DES) Report, Healthwatch devised further questions designed to extract data from those Homes where the DES was deemed to be working well.

North East London NHS were keen to identify what further learning could be gained through interviewing a selection of care home managers and holding focus groups in the care homes were the DES was working well.
Our findings show that:
- GPs are in regular contact, normally attending the care home weekly
- GPs will support staff or attend outside of the regular visit if required
- Most Care Homes have regular access to additional services such as chiropody, physiotherapy and opticians
- Most Care Homes have good access to a Dentist
- To maintain a lead GP for each Care Home
- To continue to promote links with the wider Health Service
- For the DES to provide a trusted and flexible relationship between Care Home manager and GP Establish service user feedback forums in Care Homes as these worked well in gaining insight for the DES
- Establish the use of technology early in the DES relationship
- Further research into coproduction between the residents, Care Home staff and lead GP
- Care Home staff training on accessing lead GP support
These findings and recommendations have been shared with North East London NHS to help shape future services.
Care Homes DES phase two report