The Value of Listening: Healthwatch Redbridge Annual Report 2023-2024

The Healthwatch 2023-2024 Annual Report is live!

This year, we have focused on developing networks within those communities where we know there are higher health inequalities. Partnering with local community organisations has delivered key insights that we have fed back to service providers and colleagues across the statutory sector.

Some key takeaways from the report:  

  • We have undertaken a major NHS England pilot project to support the development of a Maternity and Neonatal Independent Senior Advocate role. The role seeks to ensure the individuals’ voice is heard and listened to by maternity and neonatal care teams. We hope this pilot will develop into a regular service provided across the country
  • 1,571 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us and 101 people came to us for clear advice and information about topics such as mental health and the cost-of-living crisis.
  • Working with HW England we gathered women's experiences accessing cervical screening where they had a communication or support need. This has developed into our own local Women’s Health Project where we are carrying out further interviews to extend our local knowledge and look for ways of helping people to access appropriate care.  

Our mission is to empower local people to understand and get involved in improving health and care services and we are beyond grateful for the people of Redbridge for their continued engagement and support. The time you take to volunteer, support and engage allows us to keep making positive change.  

Healthwatch Redbridge will continue to reach out to every part of society, so that those in power hear their views and experiences. 

Download the Report

The Healthwatch Redbridge Annual Report 2023-2024

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