Pregnancy, baby and parenting advice

Better Health – Start for Life is the place for trusted NHS advice and guidance to help you have a healthy and happy baby during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
A photo of a mother and baby sharing together time. Text read '90% of brain growth happens before the age of 5. What you do together can make a huge difference.  Search start for life for advice and tips'

Why the 'Little Moments Together' are so important

Early childhood is a crucial time for brain development, when a young, developing brain changes shape and size in response to everything it encounters. 

Any time, anywhere, whether at home or out and about, it all adds up.

There’s no need to buy lots of toys or have big days out. Wherever you are, simply chatting back and forth, answering your child’s questions and sharing special moments together all help their brain to grow and develop secure and strong connections. Just what they need to get off to the right start at school.

The Start for Life website is packed with simple ideas from other parents on how to build these little moments into each day. It includes lots of examples of tips and activities for you to do together with your child at different ages, as well as links to find further support in your local area.