Supporting Bereaved Adults Through Music

The Redbridge Music Lounge (RML) is a unique non-profit local community organisation with its charitable article to promote, maintain, improve and advance the education and appreciation of the public in the art of music.
Visit the Redbridge Music Lounge website
Redbridge Music Lounge Bereavement Project
A member of Redbridge Music Lounge is setting up meetings to support adults who have experienced bereavement and are interested in singing or playing an instrument.
Singing can help adults experiencing grief to adapt to loss, manage thoughts and emotions and give motivation. Playing an instrument can help by challenging their mind and connecting them with others.
Information Day
See a session for yourself, and learn more about Redbridge Music Lounge.
Thursday, 3rd April 2025, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Cranbrook Centre Melbourne Road, Valentines Park Ilford, IG1 4SB
Everyone is welcome, no need to book.
If you or someone you know might be interested in taking part, please contact Jackie Flynn on: 07901671206