Healthbridge Direct / Cranbrook PCN Social Prescribing
Reaching out to GP patients with unmet needs to access information and support by tapping into community, Pan-London and national assets.
Offering time using a personalised care approach via “what matters to me” conversations.
Providing non-medical & non-clinical brief intervention to link people to services, organisations and groups in our community.
Working hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Some of the main reasons for referral:
- Low level mental health (prevention / not under secondary mental health teams)
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Carers
- Social isolation & Loneliness
- Other (finances/benefits/debt, physical activity, etc)
Current access to social prescribing is for those 18+. As social prescribing grows and develops, innovative approaches are coming up where PCNs, VCS, LA and community organisations and groups are getting together to work in partnerships aiming to create projects that target and support the community’s most prevalent social determinant of health.
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Raquel Cerezo Martin / Cranbrook PCN Social Prescribing Link worker
Tel: 0759 632 7861