Mathukia’s Surgery to move temporary for refurbishment
Mathukia’s Surgery will operate out of nearby Loxford Polyclinic while the works take place. All registered patients have been notified of the move by letter, however there are also signs up in the practice, the information is displayed on the front page of the practice website, and staff are also reminding patients of the move when they call for an appointment.
Loxford Polyclinic is approximately a 5-10 minute walk away. The practice will have a temporary telephone number during this time – 0300 300 1574 – and this has been circulated to patients and is on the practice website.
The GPs have secured money from NHS England’s Primary Care Infrastructure Fund, which means they can redecorate, extend and modernise the whole building with a bigger waiting area, two more consulting rooms and a new lift to make the premises more accessible.