A teenager with headphones, sat on her bed with a puppy, using a laptop

One Place East

Where Disability Matters

One Place East exists to enable disabled people and those with health conditions in Redbridge and across East London to have choices and improved lives.

One Place East delivers this mission mission by: 

  • Providing accessible information and advice
  • Improving access to services and breaking barriers by facilitating the voice and representation of those with lived experience
  • Delivering direct services supporting people to be healthy, happy and living as part of the wider community
  • Creating sustainable models of peer support
  • Delivering a range of quality training and personal development opportunities
  • Promoting social inclusion and equality

  • Providing high quality, locally focused independent advocacy

Activities and Resources include:

  • Autism Alert Card
  • Befriending Services
  • Dementia Befriending Services
  • Mental Health Recovery Programme – includes, peer support sessions, mindfulness sessions, therapeutic sessions, trauma recovery, creative writing
  • Hate crime referral centre
  • Creative courses
  • Advocacy
  • User-led: self-advocacy groups
  • User-led: learning Disability and hate crime awareness for staff and pupils in schools in Redbridge
Artwork: a hand print with a love heart print in the centre

Events and Services

Dementia Befriending Service:

Dementia can be tremendously isolating for the person who has the illness. The One Place East dementia befriending service can help. 

One Place East can offer 1:1 support to help ensure the person can continue to pursue activities they enjoy and have company to help reduce feelings of isolation and stress. This can provide support for carers as well.

Volunteering Roles:

One Place East are currently looking to recruit volunteers for their befriending service. The aim of the scheme is to offer support for those adults who are experiencing mental or emotional distress, living in the London Borough of Redbridge.

The role of the volunteer is to offer 1-1 support to reduce the isolation of people with dementia. Experience is not essential as One Place East will provide training. 

They ask for a minimum of 6 months commitment for approximately 3 hours per week.

Telephone: 020 8925 2435

Email: martina.chana@oneplaceeast.org

One Place Voice – Adults with Learning Disabilities

This is a service user meeting for people with learning disabilities who live in the London Borough of Redbridge.

These meetings give people a voice, a chance to get together to speak up about things that are important to them and to get their voices heard.

Different subjects are talked about at each meeting and sometimes guest speakers are invited to give information and to hear what is being said.

The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month in the evening from 6pm to 8pm 

Location: One Place East Office in Ilford Chambers, 11 Chapel Road, Ilford.

For more information please contact: Carol Gardner

Telephone: 020 8925 2435 | 07814 205 741

Email: carol.gardner@oneplaceeast.org

Download event flyers

Volunteer Recruitment flyer
Dementia Befriending leaflet


Office Address: Ilford Chambers, 2nd Floor, 11 Chapel Road, Ilford IG1 2DR

Phone: 020 8925 2435

Email: info@oneplaceeast.org

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