Enter and view - Dignity- Birch Ward, Whipps Cross Hospital

A number of visits to residential homes and hospitals have been planned as part of our project seeking to collect people’s personal experiences of dignity and respect within health and social care services

Results of Visit

Visit Notes – Lead Representative

Q - Can you please provide details about the ward/unit such as service user profiles and its referral/discharge processes?
A - Birch Ward is a single-sex (female) Elderly Care Acute Medicine ward. Once patients are medically stable and had been reviewed by doctors/Consultant, they can be discharged as appropriate.

Q - How many complaints regarding dignity have been recorded in the last year?
A – None as to date

Q - Bed numbers and layout of the ward/unit
A - 18 Beds, 2 side rooms (1+2 bedded) and 3 Bays with 5 beds in each

Q - Average occupancy levels since July 2015
A – 18 patients 


Birch Ward, Whipps Cross Hospital report

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