Enter and view - GPs - Loxford and Cranbrook - Ilford Medical Centre - 2nd visit

Over four months between July and October 2017, Healthwatch Redbridge assessed all 45 GP practices on how well they were meeting the requirements set out by the Accessible Information Standard.

Comments from Review

  • The representatives were told changes have not been made to the accessibility of the website.
  • The practice manager said the surgery are planning on putting up a sign directing patients to the main entrance.
  • The representatives were told the surgery has a communications book in reception.
  • The surgery have implemented some plans to restrict reliance on carers and family for those who need assistance. The practice manager said they offer a chaperone service and are able to access British Sign Language on the computer.
  • The practice manager said staff members received training in April/May of this year.



Ilford Medical Centre

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