Healthwatch Redbridge recruiting new volunteers for Women's Health Project

We are looking for dedicated volunteers to collaborate with Healthwatch Redbridge staff members in delivering information sessions for our Women’s Health Project.

Improving women’s health and access to services has become a national priority. The government published a Women’s Health Strategy in 2022. The strategy takes a ‘whole-life approach’ to improving women’s healthcare from puberty through the reproductive years into menopause and beyond.

Our research project aims to inform policymakers within the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and commissioners to understand reasons for women’s hesitancy to come forward for screening when invited and service-led barriers. We are shining a health inequalities lens on this project by focusing on hearing from women whose views haven’t been sought or strongly heard in the past.

The role will involve recruiting female residents of Redbridge to be interviewed about their experiences.

We are particularly keen to hear from women who can speak a language such as Bengali, Somali or Romanian.

Please see role description and application form in downloads. 

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Women's Health Project volunteer role description
Application Form