Have Your Say - Future Maternity and Neonatal Service in North East London

Have your say on future maternity and neonatal services in north east London
A photograph of mother holding a newborn

The Case for Change report has identified areas for change, where things can be done differently for babies and parents. It is vital that your voice is heard so that decision makers can ensure that the report and its findings are truly reflective of the experiences of local people.  

“It’s really important to us that all babies born in north east London have the best possible start in life and their parents experience the best possible pregnancy and birth.”  Diane Jones, Chief Nursing Officer, NHS north east London  

Our case for change report summarises our findings from the review. It sets out how services currently work, what the needs are likely to be in the future and it also identifies areas for change or where we could do things differently for babies and parents.

This tells us we need to make some changes to maternity and neonatal services and there are opportunities to make sure our services remain safe, high quality and accessible for all.

The report highlights that in north east London we have a growing population, with more complex pregnancies and births. If we continue with the same type of care we currently have, the number of beds we have in the places where care needs to be delivered won’t match the number of people needing them in the future.

There are inequalities that can affect the health of the pregnancy and baby for people from different population groups and that there’s possible changes we can make to maternity and neonatal services to reduce these inequalities." Diane Jones, Chief Nursing Officer, NHS north east London