Enter and view - GPs - Seven Kings - Goodmayes Medical Practice - 2nd visit
Over four months between July and October 2017, Healthwatch Redbridge assessed all 45 GP practices on how well they were meeting the requirements set out by the Accessible Information Standard.
Comments from Review
- The website is hosted by Oldroyd Publishing so the surgery is unable to make any changes in-house.
- The manager said they have not purchased a communications handbook and have asked Healthwatch to send her the information and she will speak to the doctor about purchasing one. She said that patients come in with carers so there often is no need.
- Healthwatch Redbridge have provided information about where the practice manager can purchase the book from.
- Visual impairment and deaf awareness training has not been provided for all staff members. The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) provide limited training.
- The practice manager will mention the need for training at the Seven Kings locality practice Managers meeting and ask the lead to suggest to the CCG.
Goodmayes Medical Practice report