Enter and view - GPs - Wanstead - The Broadway Surgery - 2nd visit
Over four months between July and October 2017, Healthwatch Redbridge assessed all 45 GP practices on how well they were meeting the requirements set out by the Accessible Information Standard.
Comments from Review
- Representatives were informed that the text size can be changed, however the receptionist was unsure whether any changes had been made to the background colour and provision of Browsealoud on the website.
- The surgery does not have a communication book. The staff member asked Healthwatch to send information on where to get a communication book.
- Representatives were informed that the Accessible Information Standard training is given to all staff members by a doctor. All staff have to attend the training.
- Staff members have not yet been provided with visual awareness or deaf awareness training.
- The practice will check if there is any online training available. This would normally be done on an annual basis via Bluestream.
The Broadway Surgery report